Residence Life and Housing


North Park’s campus is full of space for you to hang out with your friends. Whether you’re looking for a room to work on a group project, a location for your weekly board game tournament, or want to hear your classmates’ talent at an open-mic night, 看看这些空间.


The newest building on campus, the Johnson Center was designed for community life. Couches, 表, and booths are available in the first-floor Bickner Bistro (as is 爱因斯坦兄弟百吉饼), and there are also comfortable workspaces and small lounges all over the building. If you’re working on a class project, you can set up shop in one of the pods outside your professors office—and there’s a good chance they’ll be around to answer any questions you might have.


Each of our residence halls—Anderson, 自治市, Ohlson, and 公园北—have a plethora of common space: lounges with cable and TVs, 厨房, 学习的房间, 和更多的. Take advantage of not having to leave your building and knock on some doors to find other students who want to kick back, 喝杯咖啡, 玩棋盘游戏, or whatever your friends are into. )请注意 来访的时间 for friends who live elsewhere.)

Java Haus

Located in the basement of 城镇大厅, this lounge area is open late and is the prime location for student performances and open-mic nights.


Also in the basement of 城镇大厅, the 伯格游戏室 has both a study space and a rec room with pool and ping pong 表.


Many classes are held in Carlson Tower, and the lobby is a great place for a quick break between classes.


不仅是 好商店, there are plenty of chairs, 表, and big-screen TVs in 维京人咖啡馆, which is located next to the gymnasium and just down the hall from Carlson Tower lobby.


我们的 大学图书馆 is full of individual study carrels, 小组自习室, comfortable chairs and couches, 里, 和更多的—it’s the perfect place to study on your own or with a group. Added bonus: You’ll be surrounded by all the research tools you’ll need.


You’ll quickly become familiar with the 校园食堂 on the second floor of 马格努森校园中心 and the building’s classrooms. The first floor also has a small lounge room with vending machines, 找零机, 还有一台复印机. It’s a great place to gather your notes or get a quick jolt of caffeine before an evening class.